Delight Celebrates the Beauty of Everyday Life

This is the beauty of every day life.  This morning it was still quite dark outside and the light over the kitchen sink made one Abraham Darby rose stuck in an Evian bottle look like an opera star.  I just had to show you.

I am a firm believer in having pretty things by the kitchen sink.  That area of the kitchen is a magnet for friends/neighbors/family that stop by and having pretty dishwashing liquid and if possible, a flower from the garden in a vase makes me feel good.  It is a "Visual Vitamin" that I take every time I walk by.

I have collected some limited edition Evian bottles when they had a designer series, and I use them as vases, candle holders and I'm about to use some to house oils for cooking.  Why not? They are beautiful and would otherwise be recycled. This is my way of upcycling them and I feel good every time I see them.

The dishwashing liquid?  That is part of a new series by Palmolive called "Fresh Infusions" and I bought one of each strictly because the bottle is pretty. Market research, take note.

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