Shiny Brite Christmas Ornament Box...For A Dollhouse

What do I love? When some of my favorite things intersect! This time it is:
  • Vintage items
  • Christmas
  • Dollhouses
Are you familiar with Shiny Brite ornaments? I have been collecting vintage ornaments for years (Remember this nostalgic tree of mine?)  and many of those ornaments are Shiny Brite.  As a fan, I thought it was too cute that someone had made a dollhouse-size replica of the iconic box!

I found this print-your-own "Shiny Brite" ornament box for a dollhouse free online and couldn't resist making one for my friend, Beth's daughter.  She is in elementary school and already understands what it means to "finding delight." 

When I visited the family last summer in Kentucky, I got a tour of her dollhouse, met the little doll family and admired the work she had done arranging things inside.

I think this ornament box will look perfect, displayed just so under her dollhouse Christmas tree, don't you?  The printable box and instructions are online here.  I put a few tiny ornaments that I found at Michael's Craft store inside.  I love it!

If you are interested in reproduction ornaments in the vintage Shiny Brite-style, look no further than Christopher Radko.  He does a beautiful job making new heirlooms that live up to the Shiny Brite name.  

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