City Series: Dallas: Nasher Sculpture Center

I couldn't have asked for a prettier day to wander the Nasher Sculpture Center in Dallas, Texas.  Having just arrived a few days earlier from Michigan (which was in the negative temperatures -14!), this sunny 66 degree day was a gift in itself.  Look at the beautiful water element (above) and the precise plantings of trees, grasses and planters to create lines and structure.

The museum has a beautiful indoor gallery and gift shop, but frankly I just didn't want to spend any time inside.

The variety of art - in style and scale - was impressive.  I will showcase a stream of my images here, but will leave the description and interpretation to the official Nasher website.  I hope you enjoy this post and mark this unusual metropolitan collection on your "must see in Dallas" list.  Though many of the pieces have a glum vibe, the open air gallery is a wonderful respite from the big city bustle.
 "Quantum Cloud XX (tornado)" by Antony Gormley
Can you see the human figure in the middle of this swirl of metal bits?

"Garden Fork" by Michael Craig-Martin 
(from the collection of Christen and Derek Wilson)

 "Rush Hour" by George Segal
A look at the lives of those slogging to and from work in a city.

"Head of a Woman" by Pablo Picasso

"Music: Everything I Know I Learned The Day My Son Was Born
by Alfredo Jaar 

This was by far my favorite piece.  A temporary square pavillion with high walls made of varying shades of green plastic panels with an open-to-the-sky ceiling.  Canvas directors chairs line the perimeter inside and Dan and I sat for quite a while relaxing and reflecting.  You can see more of the structure in the distance - look at the Henry Moore image above.

Then we heard a newborn baby cry.  About that time another family wandered into the space and the husband and I were sure that the baby cries were part of the exhibit, while his wife insisted that it was just sounds from the park being amplified in the room.  Her husband and I were right.  The baby's cries are part of a soundtrack piped in at varying intervals - all recordings of babies born in Dallas between October 1, 2013 and February 1, 2014 (they were still being recorded when I visited!)  You should read the link above to understand the artist's intent.  It is very positive and interesting.

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