City Series: Dallas: St. Michael's Women's Exchange

When I knew that I would be spending 2 weeks in Dallas, I asked my Facebook friends for recommendations of places they thought I would like to visit.  A fellow Junior Leaguer suggested I check out the St. Michael's Women's Exchange in the beautiful shopping area called Highland Park Village.

The St. Michael's Women's Exchange is a high end gift shop that is operated by volunteers.  The profits from the shop fund charities locally and worldwide. An explanation of their mission and focus can be found online here.

Running a retail shop is not easy.  Our chapter of the Junior League operated a resale clothing shop for over 50 years and though near and dear to many hearts, it was a challenge to manage the inventory and volunteer schedules.  

The St. Michael's Women's Exchange was well-merchandised and offered a lovely selection of gifts from christening gowns and inscribed silver pieces, to formal servingware and statement necklaces.  If I lived in Dallas, I would certainly shop here.  I commend these women for their commitment to serving others and the clever synergy between selling beautiful gifts that women want to give (and receive) with a profit-earning model that has been supporting charities since 1958. Bravo!


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