Gorgeous George: Souvenirs for a Lucky American...Me!

I am so thankful that I live in a time when I can make friends around the world via the internet.  Through my blog, email and my Moments of Delight Facebook page I can communicate with people in "real time" and I think it is fantastic.
One of the friends I have made online is Renate.  She lives in England and when I was writing about collecting Princess Diana articles as a girl, it occurred to her that I might like a souvenir from the Royal Wedding.  Isn't that thoughtful?  I wrote about when she found for me here.
Anyhoo, Renate is now my unofficial link to the Royal Family and she knew that she was "on call" when Prince William and Kate were expecting their first child in July.  She explored the shops and possibilities and found me the perfect souvenir for my Royal china collection.  She found me a beautiful mug with the baby's name (Prince George Alexander Louis) and his date of birth (22nd July 2013) in a distinguished style with markings in blue and gold.  I love it. 
Then just a few weeks ago, a padded envelope from England arrived!  Prince George had been christened and Renate had saved me the special sections from newpaper.  What a friend!  I had only seen a handful of photos here in America, but this circular was full of full page, full color images of the happy parents and everyone who attended the service.  Formal portraits; casual photos.  Priceless.  Thank you, Renate, for looking out for me and my Royal collection. You are the best!  

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