Shopping at Home: A bit of Hawaii in my fabric stash

You can imagine the size of my photo library...thousands of images of crafts, travel, roses and cookies.  It's my job to delight, right?  When I see something beautiful I try to capture with my camera.  Not every image makes it into the blog, certainly, but I do my best to keep my posts fresh and interesting, inspiring and beautiful.  

When I am surfing my own tidal wave of images, I sometimes find one and say, "Oh, I forgot about that shop etc."  This photo is from the swap meet in Honolulu and I just remembered that I bought 2 yards of the kiwi green fabric on the bottom roll! It has hula girls silhouetted in deep purple and it spoke to me.  But where is it? I must go shopping in my own house and find this fabulous fabric.  Maybe it will become a table runner to brighten up the icy white month of January.  This month is all about making something new with the supplies I already have.  That knitting stash isn't going to knit-one-purl-two itself!

How did i stumble upon this particular photo? I lived in Hawaii for almost a month with a friend and her husband (they had moved to Oahu for a job opportunity) in January 2102.  We drove around the island seeing the sights, but we also shopped at the grocery store, grilled dinners and made jewelry.  it was really fun. Now that it is January again, I get nostalgic for that wonderful experience and think back on all of the neat things I saw.  

You can read my posts from that trip by clicking in the CITY SERIES section in the sidebar of the blog.  Choose Honolulu, Oahu and Hawaii to see a variety of posts. They are beautiful!
So today I am inspired by Hawaii and my tropical stash. Do you have something tucked away that you could craft or sew with this month?  It will feel great.

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