Smart Snacks: Dick and Jane Baking Company host President Abraham Lincoln at Elementary School

It's not every day that you get to hear President Abraham Lincoln speak- I couldn't miss my chance!  My brother, Dick and his wife, Jane have an educational snack business named the Dick and Jane Baking Company.  

Their all natural nut free snacks are vanilla shortbread cookies and have "an education in every bite."  Each cookie has an imprint of one of the U.S. States and Capitals, U.S. Presidents or a vocabulary word with a drawing and the name written in English and Spanish.  They are distributed in individual serving snack bags in lunch programs all over the country.
Jane is a first grade teacher in Michigan (you can see Dick and Jane at a photo shoot in her classroom below), so they brought President Abraham Lincoln to visit her school and speak at an assembly.  Isn't that cool?
The kids loved it and I have never seen fourth grade boys be so enraptured during a presentation. It was terrific.  Dick and Jane Baking Company have become available in retail grocery stores in select markets across the country. If you are interested, you can fill out a "Help Dick and Jane" form online on the bottom of their webpage and tell retailers where you shop and that you are interested in the product.  You can also follow them on Facebook.

They were just featured on our local news and I am taking this opportunity to brag a bit and show them off. Here is a link for you to WATCH them in a television segment.
And of course, here I am with Abe.  What a great guy!  His knowledge of the life of Abraham Lincoln is unbelievable and his ability to speak to groups of children and relay historic information was impressive.  I am a big fan.   

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