Tiny Garden Furniture Enhances a Terrarium

It is the dollhouse-lover in me that has me buying "fairy garden" furniture for my terrarium.  It looks adorable, don't you think?  I believe this link takes you to the same collection that I shopped from, though all of the pieces are not shown.  The price point is right, that's for sure.  I can't see spending a lot on a bit of whimsy, but $10-12 total? I'm in.  

I bought a garden bench, round table and an arbor for the plants to grow in and around.  I think it looks adorable and I always think that someday I'll glance over and see a tiny newspaper folded up on the bench, or a magazine left behind.

I love having a terrarium - the scale, the plants, ease of care.  It is winter, after all, and it feels good to see plants thriving and tiny green leaves sprouting.  It is always springtime in my little greenhouse.

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