Slipcover a Canvas Tote

Sometimes I see fabric and I simply must use it - immediately.  I haven't had this fabric in the house even 24 hours yet and it has already become a super cute tote bag.

One of my more genius discoveries is that I can take a standard-issue $5 tote bag from the craft store and slipcover it to make a knockout accessory.  

I loved this navy print called Alentejo Floral (you can buy it here at Hobby Lobby), but it requires just the right project to show it off.  It certainly is too bold for many household items, but as a tote with a classic outfit, it can really be admired.

The most basic instructions are: I make a sleeve that is a little too big for the tote. I place right sides together and sew down both sides and across the bottom.  Then I turn it right side out and (folding over the fabric to make a smooth edge) I sew the top of the sleeve all the way around the top of the tote, folding and overlapping at each end of the bag to make a pleat.  Then, at the bottom side of each end, I fold up the bottom corner and tack the flap up.  I sometimes sew buttons at the place where I tacked the flap and at the top of each pleat - that way it looks like it is really slipcovered that that the cover is "removeable." So cute!

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