Wafer Paper bedecked Cookies: One Giant Leap for Mankind

This is Day One in my experiment with edible wafer paper.  Have you heard of such a thing? It is individual images printed on potato starch sheets with food-coloring like dye.  FancyFlours.com has a wonderful selection of edible wafer papers (click their link in their website's sidebar to choose: there are seed packet images, butterflies, bunnies and more. Your head will spin with delight!) that you can buy and use to adorn your baked goods.  It is simple to cut out the images and adhere them to royal white icing-frosted cookies with light corn syrup.  When I am back in town, I will experiment even more.
This is my first attempt and I have a few improvements to make in my process, but boy-oh-boy am I happy with my first try! These images look like wallpaper!  I was so pleased with them, I wrapped 4 of the cookies in bubble wrap and flew them to Florida with me to show my parents.  They couldn't believe how professional they looked. "Too pretty to eat!" was the consensus.  I can't wait to make more and show you my progress. 

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