Bake Like A Beekman: Heirloom Dessert Baking Blog

I am "Baking Like A Beekman" and joining 80 other bakers around the country as we bake our way through the Beekman 1802 Heirloom Dessert cookbook. Doesn't that sound like fun?  We each take a photo of our masterpiece and email it into the blog, where it will be displayed along with our comments.

This is my first masterpiece - the Beekman Boys' "Walnut" Cake, that I actually made from pistachios because I'm allergic to walnuts.  While I thought it was a nice cake with good flavor, Dan couldn't get enough of it.  He's eaten 5 slices in 3 days.  It's his new favorite cake, for sure.
We will bake one recipe every week. On Sunday, our leader, Kenn, announces which recipe we're making - this week is "Roasted Caramel Pears"- and we have 7 days to make it and submit our photos.  Last weekend, I was loading our shopping cart with sugar, flour and eggs (oh my!).  I love this kind of activity and am happy to share the experience with like-minded people all over the country. 

I won't be posting the photos here, because I think you will enjoy it more if you experience it on the official "Bake Like A Beekman" blog.  My pictures are marked "Anne from Michigan."  Enjoy!  You might just find yourself baking like a Beekman too!

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